
The Healing Power of Art and Music Therapy

Art and music provide natural sources of inspiration, entertainment, relaxation and therapeutic distraction. Additionally, they allow individuals to express their emotions through art while discovering their full artistic potential. Creative arts therapy programs at MUSC provide patients and their families with positive healing experiences while complementing biomedical treatments. Emotional Connection Art and music have long […]


Dental X-Ray

An dentist or dental hygienist will put you under an apron made from lead to protect you from radiation exposure before asking you to sit or stand before their machine. X-rays help dentists detect issues like tooth decay between teeth, impacted or unerupted teeth, jaw fractures and hard-to-catch cysts and abscesses; as well as issues […]

Dental Radiography

Dental Hygienists and Dentists Use Natural Ingredients to Treat Dental Problems

Things to Be Aware Of After a Dental Operation

What Does a Dental Assistant Do?


The Importance of Stretching and Flexibility Training

Stretching is one of the most important things you can do for your body. Regular stretching helps increase your flexibility and decreases the risk of muscle-tendon injuries. Before you do static stretches, warm up with a dynamic exercise like walking or light jogging. Doing stretches cold may make your muscles more susceptible to injury. Increased […]


The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient system of physical, mental, and spiritual practices created over 2,000 years ago by ancient sages. These practices include meditation, breathing exercises, physical postures and body purification techniques. Studies demonstrate the many health benefits associated with yoga practice. Not only can it lower blood pressure, it may also prevent back pain and […]


Improve Your Body and Mind With Yoga

Yoga is a holistic system that improves your body and mind. It can benefit people of all ages and fitness levels. Studies show that yoga can help relieve stress, strengthen bones and joints and improve flexibility. It also increases your heart rate and lymphatic flow, which helps your immune system fight infections. Strength Yoga is […]


Yoga Benefits

Practicing yoga is a great way to improve your health. It helps to keep your muscles flexible and strengthens them. It also increases your core strength, which can help prevent injury. It is also an effective way to manage digestive disorders. Yoga can also increase serotonin, a hormone that is linked to happiness. It also […]


Health Benefits of Yoga

As a part of health care, yoga has been scientifically validated to have a wide range of positive benefits. Its benefits have been linked to a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, osteopenia, chronic pain and balance issues. Increasing your awareness of how your body reacts to various events and situations through yoga practice will […]