
Tips for Maintaining Your Oral Health While Traveling

While you are on your journey, it should not only educate you about new cultures and foreign customs, but also give you the opportunity to discover the beauty and harmony of other people and places. It is sometimes difficult to maintain your oral hygiene routine, but it is possible for both you and your mouth to enjoy a successful journey without having any dental problems during or after your travel by following your habits of brushing your teeth and flossing on a daily basis, choosing wisely when it comes to nutritious meals and drinks, as well as staying hydrated throughout your trip.

Pack Your Dental Essentials

Travel can be good for you – it invigorates both your mind and body. But making sure you take care of your oral health while you’re away may feel like rolling a giant boulder uphill. A different environment, travelling, trying new foods and a packed schedule can all lead you to neglect your regular dental care routine. And you know what they say about neglect. You can, however, keep your smile healthy while travelling if you plan ahead.

To make the most of your trip, pencil in a pre-travel dental check-up and cleaning for the teeth and gums. You’ll want to head out knowing what oral problems may arise while you’re away and are less accessible to your dentist.

My advice is to pack not only a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash, but a dental first aid kit made up of any over-the-counter pain reliever and dental wax, which can be used to cover small cavities or protect orthodontic retainers. Also, a toothbrush case, a dental mirror and picks. Keep up the regular habit of brushing and flossing, but especially after meals and when chewing many fibrous foods that stimulate saliva flow. Have a travel-sized dental first aid kit comprising of common pain relievers and dental wax to cover small cavities or protect orthodontic retainers.

Schedule a Dental Appointment

Whether you are travelling on business or pleasure, it is imperative that you keep up your homecare and regular dental appointments. Skipping appointments while away can cause discomfort, pain and even a dental emergency.

Brushing twice a day for two minutes each and flossing at least once a week drives away tooth decay and gum disease, while drinking lots of water while flying will flush food debris from your mouth, stimulate saliva flow, and impede bad breath.

Bring travel size toothpaste, mouthwash and dental floss just in case you forget your toothbrush or run out while travelling. Pay attention to what kinds of food and beverages you consume, as sugar, in excess, may promote tooth decay; remember to bring a water bottle as well.

Be Mindful of Your Diet

Whether for work or for pleasure, travel can ruin your sleep schedule – but it’s no excuse for anyone to take a vacation from their oral health care.

Have your dental kit ready – toothbrush and a loop of floss – many of these are available in ‘travel’ sizes, and can fit easily into your luggage or handbag.

Stay on Target: With a goal of mitigating the risks of gum disease and tooth decay, consistent daily oral hygiene of brushing at minimum 2 minutedm at least twice per day, and flossing at least 20 seconds per session at least once per day.

Drink Lots Of Water: Making sure to drink enough water is vital for oral health. Being well-hydrated can prevent or combat conditions such as dry mouth and bad breath, helping to wash bacteria and food particles from your teeth and gums.

Be mindful of your diet: Can’t wait to live off local fare? Well, just be mindful of sugary snacks and acidic foods that could deteriorate your enamel. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits to keep your oral health in check.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration exposes you to dental risk It’s important to remember to drink enough fluids on flights and at layovers: not only to avoid going on vacation dehydrated but also to minimise the risk of dental problems.

You can kill bacteria, freshen breath and minimise plaque build-up with a travel-sized bottle of mouthwash before you leave. Chewing sugar-free gum can enhance your saliva flow, too, preventing dry mouth.

During your trip, go to the best dentist in your area. Don’t forget your routine at home. Take the time to eat the good stuff, you deserve it! While away from home, don’t forget to squeeze in a bisbi appointment. You are on vacation, smile pretty! Futher questions or appointmentscan be made with Apple Tree Dental while your away! We are waiting to hear from you and wish you safe travels!

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