While all allergens can cause allergic reactions, some types are more common than others. For example, if you’re allergic to latex, it’s likely that the allergen is a component of your work clothes. If you’re allergic to mold, dust mites, or pollen, your symptoms could be caused by those allergens. Airborne allergens can come from mold, dust, pollen, or animal dander. Allergies to food are also common. Food reaction is often referred to as an allergy, while food sensitivity is another category. Food allergy and lactose intolerance are not the same thing. True drug allergies are rare and only a small percentage of people suffer from them.
Genetics and environment also play a role in allergy development. People with a family history of allergy are more likely to have symptoms. Allergies are exaggerated immune responses, which happen when the body’s natural defenses fail to identify a foreign substance as foreign. Nonallergic people are not allergic to substances that cause an allergic reaction, but the immune system of people with allergies mistakes a foreign substance for one that’s harmless.
Environmental and food allergies can develop at any age. Environmental allergies can develop before or after birth, and individuals may outgrow them as they get older. Food allergies tend to be genetic, but specific types are not passed down through families. Children born by C-section are also at a greater risk for allergic reactions than children born vaginally. The causes for food allergies are unknown, but certain foods and chemicals can trigger an allergic response.
Most people have only mild to moderate allergic reactions, but for a small percentage of people, they can be life-threatening. Some common allergens include food, dust, animal dander, and certain medicines. As these triggers change, your immune system will respond in a way that can result in sneezing, itching, and swelling. Allergies are a major issue for many people, so learning about your triggers can be the difference between a mild allergic reaction and a potentially dangerous one.
There are many common symptoms of allergies, but the best way to determine whether your child has an allergy is simple and manageable. If your child has a reaction to a specific food, you can ask your physician to give them a food allergy test. A doctor will also be able to recommend other treatments. In some cases, the symptoms may be temporary and will disappear once the allergy is under control. If you suspect he or she is suffering from a food allergy, it’s a good idea to see an allergist.
Pollen allergy is another common type of allergy. It’s a reaction to pollen, and causes annoying symptoms, including sneezing, watery eyes, and a stuffy nose. While some people suffer from allergy symptoms year-round, seasonal allergic rhinitis is triggered by pollen, causing the nasal lining to swell and swelling of the eyes. Fortunately, there are several allergy medications and allergy shots that can be used to help manage symptoms.