
What Is Health?

The World Health Organization defines health as a state of total well-being free of disease or infirmity. However, different definitions have been used over the years. Whether it’s the way you eat or the way you move, the term is used to describe a variety of activities that improve your quality of life. Regardless of […]


Trends in Health Care in the USA

Health care is the proper management or enhancement of health through the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation of disease, condition, injury, or other bodily and mental disabilities in humans. Health care involves medical, nursing, social work, psychotherapy, and related fields. Health care delivery involves patient care, primary health care, and secondary health care. Primary […]


Developmental Psychology

Health is a condition of mental, physical and social well being where infirmity and disease are absent. It encompasses a person’s total well being; it refers to the interrelations of mind, body and spirit. It implies the promotion of health by ensuring optimum health of mind and body through proper nutrition, exercise and motivation. This […]